Lady Tequila Welcomes You To Hell
Lady Tequila is Bringing 14 amazing Gorelesque stars from across the UK together to show you how they survive in HELL.
Variances of Evil from Bloody Gore to Angelic ways help Lady Ts demon friends survive the sheer Hell she has kept them in, and now she is Bringing HELL to labyrinth banshee to corrupt more souls and Oust Lucifer she is the new Demon Queen EvaKora
Will you make it out ALIVE?
Burlesque stars from across the UK Welcoming you to a new Hell full of Gorlesque Will U make it out ALIVE !
Storyteller Inés Álvarez Villa will share two stories of her own creation. These gothic horror tales will take you on a journey from the high seas, where a Spanish galleon becomes a vessel of terror, to packed concert halls, where obsession dances hand in hand with the enchanting melodies of violins. It will be eery, vivid, and full of dark wonder!