The Seance Adventure in the Banshee Vaults
14:45 PM
A brand new show for Hallowe'en season 2024. The Banshee Labyrinth is built into the South Bridge Vaults- the legendarily haunted Underground City. Ash Pryce, paranormal illusionist, will lead you through several of the rooms of the venue- vaulted spaces, stoney corridors, and darkened chambers of Scotland's Most Haunted Pub. Hear stories of the ghosts that are claimed to haunt these corridors, whilst taking part in an interactive theatrical seance. Go from room to room and take part in increasingly direct and unsettling magic, experiencing the spaces when sealed from the general public.
Storyteller Inés Álvarez Villa will share two stories of her own creation. These gothic horror tales will take you on a journey from the high seas, where a Spanish galleon becomes a vessel of terror, to packed concert halls, where obsession dances hand in hand with the enchanting melodies of violins. It will be eery, vivid, and full of dark wonder!